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November 2018 Dental Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

iHireDental added 27,503 new dental jobs to our database in November 2018, which was a slight increase over the previous month. More than 10K of those opportunities were for Dentists-General Practitioners. Total active dental jobs, however, decreased to 17K+. The US Army and Aspen Dental were in close competition for the #1 hiring company spot with 1,844 job openings and 1,232 job openings, respectively.

Our membership base of dental job seekers increased by ~3K with Dental Assistants, Office Managers/Practice Administrators/Receptionists, and Dental Hygienists as the top three. Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV also took Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach, FL’s place in the top 5 list of dental job seeker metro areas.

Check out even more dental industry data in this infographic:


ihiredental november 2018 dental industry infographic

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: December 05, 2018

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