ihiredental october 2018 dental industry report hero graphic

October 2018 Dental Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

We saw increases in almost all dental industry data categories in October 2018 compared to September 2018. Active dental jobs on iHireDental rose from 17K to 21K, new dental jobs added went up by 2K+, and total dental job seekers went from 362K to nearly 366K.

DentaQuest debuted as a top hiring company with a whopping 3,398 jobs, newly added dentist-general practitioner opportunities led the way with 9,433, and “healthcare management” was added to the list of top 5 skills in dental job ads. 1,548 dental assistants joined iHireDental in October as well, bringing our total candidate count for that job title to 131,497.

Get the full report on dental industry data below as we start to look toward the end of 2018:


ihiredental october 2018 dental industry report infographic

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: November 06, 2018

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