Should Resumes Use Bullet Points or Paragraphs

How many bullets should be on a resume? Should your resume have paragraphs or bullet points? Get the answers from...


ihire ask a resume writer should you put soft skills on a resume

What are resume soft skills? Do soft skills belong in a resume? Get the answers to these questions and more from a...


Portrait of a dentist posing in her practice

Managing a business while also providing top-notch patient care can be difficult. Learn the top 6 skills for...


Find Your Niche: Get the Most Out of Performance Reviews

Career coach Lori Cole shares career advice to help you create a game plan to get through your performance


How to Make the Right Move During the “Great Resignation” [Premium Webinar]

Learn how to take advantage of the “Big Quit” to advance your career in this exclusive Premium webinar


woman with a hardhat and diagrams

Pursuing a career in engineering? Here are five career paths filled with opportunities.


small human figurines jumping from 2019 to 2020

career tips for resumes, interviewing, and more.


How to Spot Red Flags and Avoid a Job From Hell [Premium Webinar]

Avoid a job from hell! Watch this on-demand webinar on job search red flags to look out for in job postings, while...


graphic designer at his desk reviewing interview tips online

Have a graphic design job interview coming up? Prepare yourself with our guide to common interview questions for...


employee juggling multiple tasks

Learn why the four little words, “other duties as assigned,” can mean big opportunities for entry-level job seekers...


Can I leave a job off my resume

Is leaving jobs off your resume a good strategy? What jobs should you not put on your resume? Get Certified Resume...


chemist volunteering in a classroom with young student

Volunteering usually calls to mind images of people building houses, serving meals at community kitchens, cleaning...


dr. seuss editorial credit catwalker

Celebrate reading by taking a break from your job hunt and indulging in these five motivational Dr. Seuss books from...


Find Your Niche: Aligning Your Passion With Your Career

Find Your Niche: A Career Podcast explores how to make that happen.


People sitting in chairs waiting to interview

Learn from a former recruiter how to stand out from other candidates in your application and interview and other...


mature job seeker preparing for an interview

Have you ever faced ageism in an interview? Here’s how to best answer ageism interview questions and combat age...


Doctors in interview

Learn how to be respectful and voice concerns in a healthcare job interview while maintaining a positive and...


Do I need multiple versions of my resume

When you're searching and applying for jobs, how many resumes should you have? How do you create different resumes...


ihire ask a resume writer should i use bullet points in my resume

Unsure how to use resume bullet points? Wondering how many bullet points to include per job? Read this advice from...


Showing 181 to 200 of 880 results