Hiring Advice

Find tips and templates to help you recruit faster and hire smarter.

happy optometry team members chatting in their practice

Which optometry workplace benefits do you need to offer in order to hire top talent? We surveyed optometry...


happy optometry office manager on the phone at her desk

Adding an optical office manager to your team? Follow these 5 steps to ensure you find a great administrative...


Group of applicants comparing notes about their candidate experience

Find out the proper way to manage communication during the hiring process and learn how to respond to job applicants...


Single candidate waiting to be interviewed for a job opening

What is a unicorn employee? Are purple squirrels real? Find out if purple squirrel recruiting and hiring unicorns is...


New hire meeting his coworkers and settling into his new role.

Learn how to improve your onboarding process in seven simple steps with this onboarding infographic and set your...


Practice owner shaking hands with newly hired associate optometrist

Deciding when to hire an associate optometrist can be tough. Check out our advice on using optometry benchmarks to...


HR professional using ihire's resume search tool on her laptop

iHire’s resume search tool just got an upgrade! We added recruiting email templates to our tool so you can reach out...


Crowd of professionals

You may know how to write a job posting, but can you pick the best job titles? These four tips will help you use job...


Word cloud showing many different languages

Learn about the benefits of a bilingual practice and why hiring bilingual employees is a great idea in the eye care...


New hire shaking hands with coworker as part of onboarding process

Learn how onboarding new employees has changed over the past decade and get the latest onboarding best practices...


Optometric treatment coordinator meeting with patient

Learn about one of the newer jobs in the optometry field and find out if your practice would benefit from adding an...


vector illustration of many resumes on a computer screen

Unlimited resume views, anyone? We’ve made it even easier to find the right talent with iHire’s Resume Search...


Ophthalmology physician assistant sitting in front of various equipment used in eye care

Ophthalmology may just be one of many growing physician assistant specialties, but PAs have a vital role to play in...


caregiving professional helping a patient

Hiring caregivers is a challenge. We interviewed these in-demand professionals to find out what employers should do...


Learn the 4 steps to building a candidate pipeline.

Learn the four key steps to building a candidate pipeline with this infographic on recruiting pipeline strategy.


When it comes to hiring in optometry, what matters more: personality or skills?

When it comes to hiring in optometry, the choice between hiring for personality or hiring for skills can impact your...


Build your employer branding strategy with iHire

Learn more about the importance of employer branding in attracting and retaining talent and how iHire can help with...


illustration of tortoise and hare race with the tortoise winning

Time is of the essence in recruiting, but you should never rush the hiring process. Learn why you should hire slow...


Boolean search 101 against backdrop of professionals

What is Boolean search? Check out our infographic to quickly learn how to use Boolean search to find the right...


optometrist making a funny face

Want to avoid making the wrong hire for your optometry practice? Keep an eye out for these optometry hiring red flags.


Showing 181 to 200 of 232 results