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March 2019 Veterinary Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

March 2019 was a strong month with several increases in multiple areas of veterinary industry data as compared to February 2019’s numbers:

  • Total active jobs on iHireVeterinary grew from 14,981 to 18,439
  • New veterinary jobs added to iHireVeterinary’s database went up from 14,217 to 22,122
  • Nearly 7,000 new groomer positions were posted, far and away the most in-demand job title

PetSmart held its #1 spot as the top hiring company with 4,832 jobs (vs. 2,219 posted in February). Training and development as well as leadership also remained the most frequently listed skills in veterinary job ads.

Veterinary job seekers on iHireVeterinary increased slightly by 2,784. The most popular job title was Front Office Staff, and these veterinary job seekers were also among the top 5 professionals who joined iHireVeterinary in March.

View our full report below to see our complete veterinary industry analysis.


ihireveterinary march 2019 veterinary industry infographic

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: April 05, 2019

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