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May 2019 Nursing Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

Our nursing industry data for May 2019 showed growth in numerous areas compared to April 2019. Total active jobs jumped from 266,000+ to 291,000+ and the top hiring company changed from Cynet Systems, Inc. to HCA, who had 3,703 jobs. In terms of new nursing jobs added, RN, CNA, and LPN remained as the top three.

Nursing job seekers on iHireNursing increased by nearly 2,000. The number of candidates willing to relocate for their nursing careers held steady at 20%, so organizations with nursing jobs to fill should consider targeting nursing job seekers outside of their local area.

Review our complete analysis of May 2019 nursing industry data below.


ihirenursing may 2019 nursing industry infographic

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: June 06, 2019

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