ihiredental industry report graphic

June 2018 Dental Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

June saw decreases – not unexpected for the summer months – in multiple areas including total active dental jobs and new dental jobs added to iHireDental’s database. New jobs leveled out after May 2018’s unprecedented spike in Dentist-General Practitioner jobs, with new Dental Assistant opportunities (6,648) trailing just behind new dentist opportunities (7,456). Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA and Oregon made their debuts as a top hiring metro area and state, respectively.

In terms of dental job seekers, the numbers remained mostly unchanged over the previous month with a slight increase in the total number of dental candidates on iHireDental. Office Managers/Practice Admins/Receptionists held their #1 ranking for newly joined iHireDental members (1,514).

View all of our June 2018 dental industry data in the infographic below:

ihiredental june 2018 dental industry report infographic

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: July 03, 2018

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