ihiredental industry report graphic

July 2018 Dental Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

Total active dental jobs on iHireDental in July 2018 increased slightly over June 2018’s numbers, with US Army, Aspen Dental, Towncare Dental, Smile Brands, and Kool Smiles as the top 5 hiring companies.

Newly added oral/maxillofacial surgeon jobs (just under 3,000) topped newly added dental hygienist and office manager/practice administrator/receptionist jobs. Dentist opportunities continue to hold the #1 spot.

In terms of dental job seekers, Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach, FL made the top 5 list for metro areas. iHireDental had over 74,000 unique visitors last month, the highest number since April 2018.

Get the full report in our infographic below, and take a trip down memory lane to view July 2017’s report to see how dental industry data compares to this time last year.


ihiredental july 2018 dental industry report infographic


Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: August 03, 2018

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