Healthcare workers onboarding

Creating the Best Onboarding Program for Employee Retention in Healthcare

One of the most important and often overlooked aspects of employee retention in healthcare is a strong onboarding program. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, employee onboarding includes “activities that allow new employees to complete an initial new-hire orientation process, as well as learn about the organization and its structure, culture, vision, mission, and values.” In other words, it's making sure that new hires feel like they are part of the team and that they understand the company's mission and values.

It's no secret that employee retention in healthcare is a serious issue today. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) estimates that by 2034, there will be a shortage of between 37,800 and 124,000 physicians. And that's just one of many healthcare professions facing employee retention challenges. In today's competitive talent market, it's more important than ever to make sure your company is doing all it can to retain its employees – starting from day one with a strong onboarding program.

So, how can you create the most effective onboarding program for employee retention in healthcare? It starts with understanding the phases of the onboarding process and how each can be leveraged as an employee retention strategy in healthcare.


healthcare workers in onboarding process


The Five Phases of Healthcare Employee Onboarding

For healthcare employers, onboarding is an essential step in ensuring that new hires are not only well-equipped to provide quality patient care but also feel valued and positively connected to the organization.

The process of onboarding can be broken down into five distinct phases:

  1. Preboarding
  2. Orientation
  3. Foundation Building
  4. Mentoring and Buddy Systems
  5. Reboarding

The following sections take a closer look at each of these phases and how they can be used to retain employees in healthcare. 


1. Preboarding

Preboarding begins before the new hire's first day on the job. During this phase, employers often send out information packets that include things like the employee handbook, job descriptions, and contact information for HR and other department heads.

How to Leverage Preboarding for Employee Retention in Healthcare: Preboarding is a great time to introduce the new hire to their future colleagues via email or social media. This can kickstart employee engagement prior to their first day at the organization. It can create positive relationships among employees, which provides a support system that helps them adjust quickly to the organization’s culture and expectations. In addition, preboarding strengthens employee bonds between each other and, consequently, the organization.


2. Orientation

Orientation refers to the first day on the job and is typically used to introduce the new hire to the workplace itself. This is when they will receive their employee badge, tour the facility, and learn about company policies and procedures. Orientation is also a good time to review the job description in more detail and set expectations for the role.

How to Leverage Orientation for Healthcare Employee Retention: With a thorough orientation program, you set the tone for employee retention by ensuring that each new employee not only understands their responsibilities and roles but also feels important and valued. An effective orientation program should include the following to maximize healthcare employee retention:

  • Set expectations in a clear manner
  • Answer any questions thoroughly and with empathy
  • Provide insight into organizational practices and culture
  • Provide new hires with specific guidelines for success
  • Introduce potentially unfamiliar technology (such as EHRs)
  • Emphasize the organizational value of the new hire’s discipline
  • Review employee benefits packages and other perks
  • Facilitate introductions throughout the organization’s teams
  • Craft an overall environment of welcome, safety, supportiveness, and interdisciplinary collaboration


3. Foundation Building

During this phase, which typically lasts two to four weeks, employees begin to receive more detailed training on their specific job duties. They may shadow more experienced colleagues or receive one-on-one training on non-clinical aspects of their new position. This is also when they will start to develop a sense of how their discipline is valued by the healthcare organization.

How to Leverage Foundation Building for Retention: To maximize employee retention and secure relationships for long-term success, it’s important to connect the new hire with seasoned employees in their discipline who have a positive outlook on their role and the organization as a whole. When properly leveraged, this phase shapes their perception of the healthcare organization as a whole and their individual department as well as their own value within the greater healthcare system – all key components to employee retention in healthcare. The most important aspect of this phase in healthcare employee onboarding is to develop a community within the organization where the employee can ask questions, voice concerns, and feel supported by the organization at all levels. 


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4. Mentoring and Buddy Systems

For many healthcare employees, this phase of onboarding is critical to long-term success in the field. Mentors can provide guidance and support as new hires learn the ropes, while buddy systems can help them feel welcome and connected to their colleagues.

How to Leverage Mentoring and Buddies for Employee Retention in Healthcare: In the same way as the foundation-building phase, mentoring is an excellent opportunity to connect the new employee with organizational champions and peers who will help them feel valued and connected. In many cases, the same individual who provided foundational support in the previous phase can also provide long-term mentoring. However, it is also important to provide new hires with a same-discipline “buddy” who is closer to their level of experience. This helps connect the healthcare professional with someone who may want to attend similar continuing education courses, engage in journal clubs, or even just socialize after work.


5. Reboarding

Reboarding is an ongoing process that begins after an employee has been with the company for six months or more. During this phase, employers check in with employees to see how they are settling into their position and whether they have any questions or concerns. This is also a good time to review company policies and procedures so that everyone is on the same page.

How to Leverage Reboarding for Healthcare Employee Retention: The healthcare landscape is constantly changing. From insurance coverage to accreditation requirements, healthcare professionals are constantly adjusting to change. Healthcare employers can utilize reboarding to help their employees feel supported despite healthcare-wide uncertainty. A regular educational session, a team meeting, and an organization-wide newsletter are all great ways to keep employees updated on the latest information and changes. Employers should keep these timely but also consistent and relevant. For example, employers may schedule monthly meetings with specific disciplines to update company policies, documentation needs, and other changes. Keep this meeting without changing the day or time as much as possible to provide stability among the constant change.

Onboarding is an essential part of integrating a new healthcare employee into your workplace. Leveraging each stage of an effective healthcare employee onboarding program can positively impact employee retention in healthcare.


Doctors learning from mentor


The Importance of Feedback for Increasing Employee Retention in Healthcare

The key to healthcare employee retention is to remember that your employees are licensed professionals. They are hired for their training, insight, and professional judgment. Therefore, it’s essential to provide a space for their feedback, even on hiring-related matters. While they may not be the expert on how to create the best employee onboarding program for healthcare, they are the experts on their own experience.

Asking for feedback at every stage and utilizing their feedback is invaluable in retaining healthcare professionals. By integrating their feedback, not only do you demonstrate that you value their opinion, but you also use it to improve the process for future employees. In an industry where employees are impacting patients’ futures daily, it’s important to show that you are looking out for the future of your employees.


Effective Employee Retention in Healthcare Starts With Onboarding

Employee retention in healthcare is a critical issue facing employers today. With so many qualified workers leaving the industry each year, it's more important than ever to make sure that your company is doing everything it can to keep its employees happy and engaged. A strong healthcare employee onboarding program is a great way to do just that. By following these tips, you can create an effective healthcare employee onboarding program for your healthcare organization that will help you retain your best talent for years to come.


Looking for more tips on hiring, onboarding, and employee retention in healthcare? Check out iHire’s Resource Library.


By Rachel Gartz Taylor, Guest Author | Originally Published: June 01, 2023

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