iHireConstruction logo against backdrop of skyline under construction. Illustration.

March 2019 Construction Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

Compared with February’s numbers, iHireConstruction saw little movement in most construction industry data points. Although the number of new construction jobs added grew from 126,109 in February to 136,984 in March, total active jobs remained stable at nearly 104,000, the number of registered job seekers on iHireConstruction grew slightly to 1,166,083, and several other indicators such as average job ad length (3,038 characters), average job ad age (24 days), and construction job seekers willing to relocate (28%) were essentially unchanged from last month. 

Read our full monthly report on construction industry data below.


iHireConstruction's March 2019 industry report on construction jobs and job seekers. Infographic.

Freddie Rohner profile picture
by: Freddie Rohner
Originally Published: April 11, 2019

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