iHireConstruction logo against backdrop of skyline under construction. Illustration.

July 2019 Construction Industry Report [INFOGRAPHIC]

July saw a slight improvement in hiring numbers with iHireConstruction adding 95,164 new construction jobs compared to 90,206 jobs added in June. While this increase is encouraging, it’s still not close to the 167,377 new jobs added at the beginning of 2019. While overall hiring seems to have reached a plateau, individual markets continue to do well including the greater metropolitan areas around New York, Dallas, Los Angeles, Denver, and Washington, DC.

Construction job seekers continue to be very active, with the number of unique visitors to iHireConstruction reaching 111,748 in July. iHireConstruction also added more than 27,000 new registered members this month comprising skilled trades such as carpenters and electricians as well as foremen/supervisors, project managers, and laborers.

Read our full monthly report on construction industry data below.


iHireConstruction's July 2019 industry report on construction jobs and job seekers. Infographic.

Freddie Rohner profile picture
by: Freddie Rohner
Originally Published: August 09, 2019

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