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5 Ways to Build Psychological Safety in Healthcare & Boost Retention

In the high-stakes, swiftly changing landscape of the healthcare industry, fostering psychological safety is crucial - not just for the welfare of the employees but also for the overall success of healthcare organizations. Psychological safety in healthcare is not just a catchphrase; it's an essential environment that empowers healthcare professionals to voice their concerns, ask questions, and make mistakes without the fear of retribution. A culture of psychological safety is proven to enhance healthcare employee mental health, boost morale, and increase employee retention rates.

Throughout this article, we'll delve deeper into what constitutes psychological safety in healthcare, its profound impact on healthcare organizations, and practical steps that can be taken to create a culture of psychological safety.


What Is Psychological Safety in Healthcare?

Psychological safety, at its core, refers to an individual's sense of security in their work environment, where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without the fear of backlash or penalty. It's a foundational element that encourages open communication, collaboration, and innovation, fostering an environment of mutual respect and trust.

In the context of healthcare, psychological safety is of paramount importance. With the constant pressure of making life-saving decisions and managing patient care, healthcare professionals grapple with a high level of stress, making them vulnerable to burnout. For healthcare employers, fostering psychological safety means cultivating an environment where their staff can voice concerns, admit mistakes, and provide feedback without fear of retribution. This can not only affect the employee individually but also the healthcare organization as a whole.


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The Impact of Psychological Safety on Healthcare Organizations

The influence of psychological safety extends far beyond individual well-being and has far-reaching implications for healthcare organizations' functioning, productivity, and success. A culture of psychological safety positively correlates with better healthcare employee mental health and improved employee retention rates. In the following sections, we will explore how psychological safety impacts these two critical aspects of healthcare organizations, substantiating why it should be a top priority for every healthcare institution.


Healthcare Employees' Mental Health

Psychological safety and healthcare employees' mental health are deeply intertwined. A psychologically safe work environment can act as a protective layer, mitigating the effects of stress and burnout that are often commonplace in healthcare settings. When employees feel safe, they are more likely to engage in open communication, seek support when needed, and take care of their mental health without fear of stigma or punishment. This, in turn, will foster better collaboration among team members and improve satisfaction, leading to better patient care.

Conversely, a lack of psychological safety can lead to increased stress levels and feelings of anxiety, contributing to higher rates of burnout. Ultimately, ensuring psychological safety in healthcare workplaces can be a significant step towards promoting resilience, well-being, and mental health among healthcare professionals.


Employee Retention in Healthcare

Psychological safety is also a key predictor of employee retention in healthcare. When employees feel secure and supported in their workplace, they are more likely to stay for longer periods of time. A safe environment can aid healthcare professionals in maintaining sustained focus on their patients, providing higher quality care.

On the other hand, a lack of psychological safety can lead to lower employee morale, reduced engagement levels, and increased turnover rates. Healthcare employers should focus on creating an environment where employees feel safe to ask questions without fear of retribution or humiliation. This will encourage collaboration and trust among team members, resulting in better patient outcomes while also boosting retention rates.


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How to Create Psychological Safety in Healthcare Organizations

Now that we've discussed the significance of psychological safety in healthcare, let's dive into some actionable steps healthcare employers can take to cultivate a psychologically safe workplace.

  1. Gather Data
  2. Understand Your Resources
  3. Change Your Tone
  4. Prepare Your Leaders
  5. Build Your Culture


Gather Data on Psychological Safety in Your Healthcare Organization

The first step towards cultivating psychological safety is to understand the current state of your healthcare organization. One of the most effective ways to gather this data is by conducting an anonymous survey. The survey should be designed to gauge employees' comfort levels in voicing their concerns, admitting mistakes, or proposing new ideas. It may also include questions about their perceptions of management’s reaction to these behaviors.

This data will provide insight into areas that need improvement and serve as a baseline to measure progress toward creating a safer environment. However, ensuring employees' responses will be confidential and used solely to improve the workplace atmosphere is essential. This will encourage honesty and participation, leading to more accurate results.


Understand Your Resources for Healthcare Employee Mental Health

In order to create a culture of psychological safety, healthcare organizations should be aware of the resources available both within and outside their institution.

This includes understanding their health insurance plan and any mental health services or programs in place, such as an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Having a good grasp of these resources will help healthcare employers assess their current offerings and identify any gaps.


Change Your Tone Toward Psychological Safety in Healthcare

Once healthcare employers understand the current state of their organization, they can begin to take steps to create a psychologically safe environment. One of the most important things is to shift the tone and language used in the workplace.

The messages your organization intends to communicate to employees can easily be misconstrued if their tone does not match what employees expect. Healthcare employers should strive to maintain a calm, supportive, and respectful tone when conversing with employees. This can help them feel more secure and comfortable communicating their concerns or asking for feedback.

However, many healthcare organizations think they are already portraying this tone, so it is important to bring in unbiased third-party opinions to observe and provide feedback. This could include organizational champions from the current employees or even AI tools.


Prepare Your Leaders for Healthcare Employee Retention

In order to foster psychological safety within an organization, healthcare employers must first ensure that their leaders are prepared. Leaders play a crucial role in creating psychological safety, as their actions will shape your organization's culture.

Employers should ensure their leaders are equipped with the knowledge and skills to foster a psychologically safe environment for increased employee retention in healthcare. This means providing them with proper training on topics such as emotional intelligence, effective communication, and conflict resolution.

In addition, healthcare employers should also give their leaders the tools they need to recognize signs of distress among employees, as well as guidance on how to navigate difficult conversations or situations.


Build a Culture of Psychological Safety in Your Healthcare Organization

The last step in creating psychological safety is building an overall culture that reinforces it. This includes creating processes and policies that promote open communication, seek feedback, and encourage collaboration.

Healthcare employers should also prioritize employees' mental health and well-being by providing them with the necessary resources to manage their stress levels. This could include offering regular breaks throughout the day, providing healthy snacks, or even allowing flexible work arrangements or telecommuting options when possible.

Finally, healthcare employers should recognize employees for their actions and achievements. This could include offering incentives and rewards or simply expressing gratitude for their hard work.

Creating a culture of psychological safety in healthcare is not an easy task, but it is essential for workplaces to foster resilience, well-being, and mental health among the people that make up the organization. The steps outlined above should help healthcare employers get started, but it is important to recognize that this is an ongoing process and requires commitment from everyone involved in order for it to be successful.


Psychological Safety in Your Healthcare Organization

With the right resources and dedication, healthcare employers can create a culture of psychological safety that will benefit everyone in the organization. By taking proactive steps to improve employee mental health, healthcare employers can ensure their employees feel safe and supported while also driving organizational success. It is essential for organizations to prioritize psychological safety in order to foster a positive, productive work environment for their employees and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

If you are looking for more information on healthcare hiring, check out our Resource Center.


By Rachel Gartz Taylor, Guest Author | Originally Published: October 04, 2023

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